Post Four

Sen. Larson: Open records regarding Wisconsin’s fake electors suggest Congressman Scott Fitzgerald played significant role in trying to overturn a free and fair election


January 25, 2022

Madison, WI – An open records request initiated by State Sen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) has revealed that U.S. Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (R-5th District), then Majority Leader of the Wisconsin State Senate, reserved meeting space in the State Capitol for the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) on December 14, 2020, at the same date and time it convened its slate of fraudulent presidential electors there.

The records received from the office of the State Senate Sergeant at Arms indicate that staff from then-Senator Fitzgerald’s office reserved meeting space from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Senate Parlor and Room 201SE on behalf of the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW). At the time, the State Capitol was closed to the public in an attempt to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, but legislators were able to reserve meeting space for constituents and other interested groups as they saw fit.

All indications are that Congressman Fitzgerald saw fit to provide space in the Capitol for a slate of 10 Republicans purporting to be the authorized presidential electors from Wisconsin to meet and produce fraudulent documents claiming (falsely) that the 2020 Election in Wisconsin was won by Donald Trump.

State Sen. Chris Larson released the following statement in response to this revelation:

“If Congressman Fitzgerald did indeed provide the meeting space in our State Capitol where 10 partisans conspired to defraud our democracy, he must explain why he did so.

“The Congressman owes it to his constituents and the American people at large to condemn the actions of the fraudulent GOP electors. Failing to do so is an admission that he supports their attempt to overthrow the legitimate election of President Biden, including Wisconsin, which Biden won by nearly 21,000 votes.

“As lawmakers, we have a special responsibility to respect the outcome of our elections, and by seemingly assisting those who would undermine that process, Congressman Fitzgerald will have committed acts that betray the oath he swore when he took office.

“Overturning a presidential election and imperiling our democracy is no small matter. Anyone and everyone involved must be held accountable or we risk inviting it to happen again, facilitating the end of our democratic republic.

“Wisconsin remembers that after the deadly attack on our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, 2021, Rep. Fitzgerald voted against certifying the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States.”


Post Five


Post Three